Commission Board Meeting on Mon, April 15, 2002 - 9:00 AM

Meeting Information


Chairman McElhaney called the meeting to order at 9:03 A.M. on Monday, April 15, 2002. All members were present. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Jones made a motion to approve the minutes of November 12, 2001. Johnson seconded and the motion carried unanimously.

Johnson made a motion to approve the following Consent Agenda:

  • Approve Commissioners Order No. 5016. Order is on file in the office of the County Clerk.

Jones seconded and the motion carried unanimously.

The Board considered approval of the Application for Grant Funds for Fiscal Year 2003 for Community Corrections. Ron Stegall, Chief Executive Probation Officer, made a brief presentation of significant events and changes in the program. Jones made a motion to approve the Application for Grant Funds for Fiscal Year 2003; Johnson seconded and the motion carried unanimously.

Stegall then presented a request for approval of use of reimbursements for Community Corrections. Stegall explained that reimbursements are the those moneys that come to Community Corrections from several sources including Anger Management Class fees, drug and alcohol testing costs, electronic monitoring costs, program fees, etc. These are moneys that are collected by Community Corrections directly from the offender for services provided which have these additional fees or costs attached. In the past, reimbursements remained with the local agency to use as they determined. Since all other funds not spent (unexpended funds) are taken back by the Kansas Department of Corrections (KDOC) at the end of every fiscal year, reimbursements have been the one, and only, source of funds available which could function as a kind of "savings account" for the agency in times of emergency or shortfall, or any other need that is not covered in the normal Community Corrections yearly grant. Over the past few years these funds have been kept separate and available for use to maintain, as much as possible, the present level of staff. A modest amount of approximately $20,000 has been accumulated. During this past year, KDOC proposed new regulations which would treat reimbursements as if they were unexpended funds. In other words, KDOC would begin taking back all reimburse ments each year like they do with unexpended funds. There was a very negative reaction so this proposed regulation around the state, and in the end, KDOC backed off this regulation. Instead, as a compromise, they adopted a regulation that states that the local Community Corrections agencies will be allowed to continue to keep reimbursements at the local level as long as the local agency has approval of both the Advisory Board and the County Commission as to how these funds are to be spent. Stegall presented a Signatory Approval to be executed by the Chair indicating that the Douglas County Commission has reviewed and approved that until further notice, that all Douglas County Commu nity Corrections reimbursements be used for the present and future use of personnel expenses, including salary, benefits and training. Jones then made a motion to authorize the Chair to execute the Signatory Approval; Johnson seconded and the motion carried unanimously.

Jones moved approval of accounts payable in the amount of $284,826.89 to be paid 4/15/02. Motion was seconded by Johnson and carried unanimously.

McElhaney made a motion for adjournment. Jones seconded and motion carried unanimously.

_____________________________ _____________________________
Jere McElhaney, Chairman Bob Johnson, Member


_____________________________ _____________________________
Patty Jaimes, County Clerk Charles Jones, Member


County Courthouse
1100 Massachusetts St, Lawrence, KS 66044, USA