Meeting Information
Chairman McElhaney called the meeting to order at 9:03 A.M. on Monday, February 11, 2002. All members were present. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Johnson moved approval of the minutes of October 3 and October 10, 2001; Jones seconded and the motion carried unanimously.
Jones moved approval of the following Consent Agenda:
- Approve Commissioners Order No. 4992. Order is on file in the office of the County Clerk;
- Approve two (2) Out-District College Tuition Statements in the Amount of $180; and
- Approve the purchase of 2,4-DA from Vegetation Management Supply, Inc. and the purchase of all the other chemicals (Glyphosate, Remedy, Tordon 22K and 2,4-D LV) from Lone Pine Acres, Inc.
Motion was seconded by Johnson and carried unanimously.
The Board discussed bids received for asphaltic concrete (BM-2) to be used in pavement patching and machine-laid leveling for the summer maintenance program. Since asphalt plants may break down, or for some other reason, materials may not be available from a particular supplier at a particular time, it is recommended that the County contract with a "primary" supplier and also with a "secondary" supplier. Jones made a motion to contract with LRM Industries for the supply of 5,001-8,000 tons of BM-2 mix @ $21.15/ton and Asphalt Sales for the supply of 1,000-5,000 tons of BM-2 mix @ $25.00/ton. Motion was seconded by Johnson and carried unanimously.
The Board considered approval of a Cooperation Agreement with the City of Lawrence for construction of sanitary sewer facilities in Baldwin Creek No. 2 (County) Benefit District and Westwood Hills (City) Benefit District. This Cooperation Agreement is for a joint project to design and construct sanitary sewer facilities to serve both benefit districts. Under the agreement, each party will be responsible for all costs associated with improvements to its respective benefit district. Costs for gravity lines are apportioned to each respective district where the lines are situated. Costs for the pump station and force mains are apportioned to each district according to calculated sewage rates for each district. Baldwin Creek #2 will be responsible for 24.88% of the pump station, force mains and related costs. The City of Lawrence will administer the project, and will invoice Douglas County periodically for the County's share of engineering and construction costs. Johnson made a motion to authorize the Chair to execute the Cooperation Agreement. Jones seconded and the motion carried unanimously.
Jones made a motion to approve accounts payable manual checks in the amount of $2,127.05; payroll in the amount of $550,390.57; electronic funds transfers for FICA for $41,039.75, and KPERS in the amount of $33,247.91 to be paid 2/8/02. Motion was seconded by Johnson and carried unanimously.
At 9:20 A.M., McElhaney made a motion that the Board recess to go into Executive Session for 30 minutes to discuss land acquisition with Evan Ice, County Counselor; Craig Weinaug, County Administrator; Pam Madl, Director of Administrative Services; and Keith Browning, Director of Public Works/County Engineer. The Board returned to regular session at 9:40 A.M. No action was taken.
Jones moved for adjournment; Johnson seconded and the motion carried unanimously.
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Jere McElhaney, Chairman Bob Johnson, Member
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Patty Jaimes, County Clerk Charles Jones, Member
Time and Date