April 11, 2019 2:59 pm
Longtime Douglas County District Attorney’s Office employee Cindy Riling was honored today at the 22nd Annual Crime Victims’ Rights Conference with the state’s 2019 Crime Victims Service Award in the System-Based Advocate category. The award was presented at a luncheon today by Kansas Attorney General Derek Schmidt.
During her 14 years of service to victims, Cindy has demonstrated dedication to her profession, both to the victims she serves and to her peers across the state. Outside of her direct work in Douglas County, Cindy has taken an active role in advancing her profession across Kansas as a committee member “subject matter expert” on the Improving Criminal Justice Response (ICJR) System Based Victim Assistance Staff (SBVAS) Subcommittee, she is approved as a System Based Victim Assistance Staff (SBVSA) curricula trainer, and Cindy assisted in providing training at 21st Annual Crime Victims’ Rights Conference in April 2018.
In the words of one client “I never felt believed. Cindy changed that. I knew that she believed in me.”… “It’s difficult to go through something like this alone. It’s even harder when you are a man. You don’t want to ask for help. I didn’t have to. She offered.”
DA Branson is pleased Cindy’s dedication as an advocate for victims of crime in Douglas County and her commitment to sharing her knowledge to expand the careers of others in the profession have been recognized. She earned this honor through her years of public service and tireless dedication to both victims of crime and her peers.
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Contact:Dorothy Kliem, Director of Administration, Media Contact Form