October 30, 2018 11:45 am
Please join the Kansas Department of Transportation (KDOT) and the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) to learn more about the South Lawrence Trafficway Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (SEIS).
The purpose of the SEIS is to evaluate options for improving the SLT, including review of concept alternatives, that will enhance safety and improve congestion, while supporting its use as a thriving corridor for the City of Lawrence and the surrounding region. The SEIS process exists to ensure proper identification and minimization of impacts to sensitive environmental features within the project study area. The SEIS is scheduled to be completed in 2021.
At the open house, attendees can learn about the SLT SEIS process and schedule. The first meeting will focus on gathering public input on the purpose and need for the project and understanding what concerns people have with the corridor. Stop by anytime to speak with KDOT, FHWA, and project team staff and provide your input. There will be no formal presentation.
If you have questions or need special assistance at the open house, please contact Kelsey Heavin at 816-527-2 468 or info@slt-ks.org.
Contact:Brad Schmidt, GIS Analyst, bschmidt@dgcoks.gov