May 12, 2017 5:35 pm
Updated: August 9, 2022 3:42 pm
The Douglas County Public Works Department announces that beginning Tuesday, May 30, Route 458 will be closed from E 800 Road (Route 1/1039) to N 1075 Road for the first phase of a major rehabilitation project. The full project will realign curves, add paved shoulders, rehabilitate the pavement, replace narrow drainage structures, and improve roadside safety. Route 458 will be closed to traffic during drainage structure replacement work, currently anticipated to take four months to complete, weather permitting.
A signed detour will be established. The detour follows US-59 highway to US-56 highway to Route 1029 (E 550 Road). Local access to properties within the road closure will be maintained throughout the duration of the project, although available property access routes will change depending on current work activities.
Following culvert replacement work, this fall Route 458 will be opened to traffic through construction. Two-way traffic will be carried on two narrow lanes with a 35-mph work zone speed limit, and no passing will be allowed. Bicycle traffic is prohibited throughout the project duration.
The full project is divided into four phases. Phase 1 work will involve constructing the realigned curves and replacing narrow culverts in the N 1000 Road portion of the project. Phase 2 work includes replacing five additional culverts, and shoulder construction along the south and east sides of the road. Phase 3 work includes constructing the north and west road shoulder. Phase 4 includes pavement overlay work, pavement markings, and seeding. It is currently anticipated the full project will be completed in late spring 2018.
Additional project information can be found on the project’s Facebook page
This construction project is funded by Douglas County’s Capital Improvement Program (CIP). The Board of County Commissioners awarded the construction contract to King’s Construction, who submitted the low bid of $4,757,901.73.
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