Legal Self-Help Form

We help people who are representing themselves in Douglas County District Court. We can give helpful information, but we cannot give legal advice or be your lawyer. Our job is to guide you to the forms, tools, and resources you might need.

Answering the questions in this form helps us get the right information quickly so we can assist you faster.

If you have a lawyer for this matter, we cannot help, and you should contact them for information.

Contact Information

First Name
Last Name
What is your street address? Example: 301 Lawrence Ave.
What is your zip code?
Date of Birth
Phone Number
May we send text messages to your phone number with information and reminders about your case?
Do you have access to a smartphone (such as an iPhone), a tablet or a computer?
How comfortable are you with virtual meeting technology (like Zoom)?
Is anyone in your home a current or former member of the military?
Are you the head of your household for tax purposes?