Frequently Asked Questions

zoning and codes | Frequently Asked Questions

Fireworks are allowed at public parks and lakes in the county. These are the prohibited areas:  within 1,000 feet of any hospital, sanitarium or infirmary; or  within 100 feet of any Fireworks Stand; or into, under, from, or on a car or vehicle, whether moving or standing still; or…

Only one residence is allowed per land tract. A recent change to the zoning regulations has allowed an option to create additional housing while maintaining the rural character of unincorporated Douglas County. Accessory Dwelling Units (ADU) are intended to provide an independent living area for…

No accessory building can be constructed on a lot unless the construction of the primary dwelling has been permitted. An accessory use must be accessory to a primary use. 

An existing vested residential parcel with less than the minimum acreage required in the Douglas County Zoning Regulations may be eligible to be sold as a residential parcel if the Douglas County sanitation requirements are met. Specific properties should be discussed with the county sanitarian and…

Each building lot is required to have it's own driveway and meet the county road classification standards for road frontage. Sharing a driveway would constitute a private road, which is no longer permitted.

All buildings/accessory buildings require a building permit. The only structures exempt from this process are: Any building or structure erected and used strictly for agricultural purposes, would be exempt from building permit requirements by meeting the Ag Exemption certification. An application…

Click this link for a guide that will help you locate and utilize the Douglas County Property Viewer. Would you like to research, or learn more about a parcel in the county? Who services water or electric for a parcel? Is my parcel in the floodplain? What is my zoning? Am I in the Urban Growth…

Vendors may apply for a fireworks permit by submitting a site plan, proof of sales tax, legal description and property owner's name to the County Zoning & Codes Department. The sale of fireworks or use of fireworks is allowed on July 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th of each year only. 

Addresses are not assigned to vacant parcels.  Addresses are assigned by the Zoning and Codes Department when a landowner applies for a residential or commercial building permit.  Addresses are typically based on the location where the entrance meets the public road. Note that an entrance…

Building Permit fees are determined by the valuation. For example, the permit for a $100,000 residence would be $993.75. Please click this link for all Zoning and Codes fees. For more information, contact the Zoning & Codes Department at 3755 E 25th Street, Lawrence, KS 66044, Phone: 785-…

If the property is outside the city limits, property owners or realtors may call the County Zoning Department to determine whether property is in the floodplain. Additionally, you may utilize the Public Property Viewer to view current floodplain maps.

Setbacks will vary by the type of structure and type of road frontage classification and zoning.  Here is a breakdown for typical building construction in the agricultural district of Douglas County.  For Residential Building:  Front setbacks vary by the classification of the…

  1.       Footing (Prior to Pouring Concrete)   2.       Foundation (Prior to Pouring Concrete)   3.       Temporary Power Poles   4.       Under slab…

With the assistance of the Zoning office to confirm that your parcel is buildable, these are the typical items we need to obtain a building permit.  Depending on the structure (residential, accessory building, shed, swimming pools, etc.), some items may not be necessary for your…

The County adopted the Public Road Access Management Standard on October 25, 2006, where all the County roads are now classified with different road frontage requirements for each road classification. Please view the Access Management Standards Chart for additional information.