Hosted By: Douglas County
Douglas County is celebrating National County Government Month by hosting its second Douglas County Government Day event on Tuesday, April 29. The event will be from 5 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. at the Douglas County Fairgrounds, 21st and Harper Streets, in the Open Pavilion. This family-friendly event is free and open to the community.
The event will include touch-a-truck activities with equipment from Public Works, Lawrence-Douglas County Fire Medical, Consolidated Fire District No. 1, Sheriff’s Office, Emergency Management, Emergency Communications and Maintenance. There will also be games, activities, food trucks and live music from Great Plains Media's stations. Lawrence-Douglas County Public Health will have its mobile vehicle at the event, and staff will be offering blood pressure checks and free home COVID tests.
“We are excited to host a fun event to share our important services with the community,” County Administrator Sarah Plinsky said. “From maintaining roads and providing public safety to supporting human services and conducting elections, we are proud to serve Douglas County.”
Time and Date