How do I get to the library?

The Law Library is on the first floor of the Judicial and Law Enforcement Center, 111 East 11th Street, in downtown Lawrence, Kansas. 

For the general public and attorneys without Law Library keys: Come in the public entrance on the west side of the building that faces the old Court House. After going through the security checkpoint, proceed through the glass doors to the left of the elevators and down the hall until another hall opens to your right. Go down that hall as if you were going to exit through the south entrance. Go through the first set of glass doors. Do not go outside through the second set of glass doors as you need a key to enter through them. The Library entrance door is on your left between the two sets of glass doors. 

For attorneys with Law Library keys: Your Library key gives you 24/7 access to the doors at the south entrance of the building. The Law Library is on your right after you have entered the outside set of glass doors at the south entrance.