Open configuration options
If you are outside of Douglas County and looking for rent or utility assistance please visit to find resources in your area.
Income Requirements: If the household income is below 50% Average Median Income (AMI), the household is eligible for the HSC Rent/Utility Assistance Program.
Annual Caps Have Been Changed to the Following:
These Changes Aim To:
Demographic Reporting: For reporting purposes the applicant will be considered the head of household.
Demographic questions are based on reporting requirements and may not encompass all identities.
Income Eligibility – Very Low (50%) Income Limit – HUD 2024
Household Size
50% AMI Max Household Income
Assistance is based on a particular household’s circumstances and needs, and will consider part-time income, unemployment, access to resources, rental cost reasonableness, and landlord agreements. Tenants must commit to programming and being provided all available resources.
Rental Rate Maximums: The HSC will use Fair Market Rent as the basis for determining the maximum amount a landlord can be reimbursed monthly through the combination of tenant resources and program assistance payments.
Housing Type
2025 Fair Market
One Bedroom
Two Bedroom
Three Bedroom
Four Bedroom
Please find the HSC Policies and Procedures here. Please refer to pages 4-5 for the program's Non-Discrimination Policy.
Note for those who applied previously: We had hoped to offer a shorter version of the application for those reapplying. We have determined that we are unable to do so at this time as it would slow down application processing.
We apologize for the inconvenience and will continue working to make this process as simple as possible. Please proceed with the application.