Become an Election Worker

Voting and Elections

Contact Us

Hours: Mon - Fri, 8am - 5pm

Become An Election Worker

We are perpetually looking for civic-minded individuals to serve as election workers. 

The Douglas County Elections Office generally operates about 60 polling locations which serve the citizens of Douglas County. A minimum of three election board workers is assigned to each precinct; one Supervising Judge and two Election Board workers. During large elections—or in some larger precincts—more board workers may be assigned to help assist voters. The election office is responsible for administering general, city-school, and special elections for Douglas County.

The largest challenge facing election officers throughout the country is the successful recruitment of volunteers to properly administer and monitor the electoral process. Other issues may garner more media attention, but recruiting and retaining quality election workers, we believe, is the critical factor in assuring an accurate and fair election.

To become an Election Worker, please complete the Election Worker Application.


Election Workers


  • Resident of Douglas County, Kansas
  • Voter registration is current and up to date
  • At least 16 years of age with approval and recommendation from your school

Election Workers are required

  • To complete an Election Worker Application
  • To submit a copy of your social security card with your current name
  • To complete mandatory training prior to every election.

All election workers are compensated for their training and for their dedicated service on Election Day.

  • You may sign up for Direct Deposit by submitting a copy of a voided check or a letter from your bank with your account and routing numbers.


  • Supervising Judges: $135 a day plus mileage
  • Election Workers: $120 a day
  • Training Session: $30.00


  • Polls are open from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
  • All election workers report to their assigned work site on Election Day no later than 6:00 a.m. to prepare for 7:00 a.m. opening of the polls.
  • Following the close of the polls at 7:00 p.m., all election workers assist the Supervising Judge in closing down the polling site.

Split Shift

  • Kansas Law now allows for certain election workers to divide their shifts. The Supervising Judge and one Election Clerk must work the entire day. Additional workers may have their shifts split if they are unavailable to work the entire day, have class, or other obligations etc.
  • Indicate on your application if you would be interested in working a split shift.


Supervising Judges

  • The Supervising Judge is the person in charge of the polling place and is responsible for the operation of the polling place.
  • The Supervising Judge attends a mandatory meeting specifically for Supervisors. (They can choose to attend other training sessions as well).
  • On the Monday preceding the election, the Supervising Judge picks up election supplies from the election office, calls the assigned election workers to confirm that each one will report on Election Day at 6:00 a.m., and notifies the Election Office of any prospective absences.
  • On Election Day, the Supervising Judge assigns the duties to the Election Board. All election workers arrange the polling place to receive voters and post all signs. The Supervising Judge officially opens the polls and manages the processing of voters.
  • On Election Night, the Supervising Judge is in charge of closing down the polling location and works to promptly deliver election materials to the Douglas County Elections office.

Election Clerks

  • Election Workers assist the Supervising Judge and share responsibility for the operation of the polling site.
  • They greet voters, assist at registration book, assure the proper ballot is being issued, and assist voters with general questions.
  • Following the close of the polls at 7:00 p.m., all election workers assist the Supervising Judge in closing the polling site.

Poll Workers are the unsung heroes and heroines of the elections process - they make our democracy work, and they make it the very best it can be.