Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

K.S.A. 79-303 states "Every person, association, company or corporation who owns or holds, subject to his or her control, any taxable personal property is required by law to list the property for assessment."

If any person, association, company or corporation has in their possession or...

Except for certain motor vehicles, property tax due on personal property is the responsibility of the owner of record January 1 of each year. For real property, if not addressed in private contract, the buyer is responsible for the property tax if the property is sold on or after January 1 and...

Your tax dollars are used by local government to provide funding for roads, parks, fire protection, police protection, health and other services. Property taxes also fund public school districts. All property tax dollars received by the state are redistributed to public school districts or to...

The value of your home may change each year -- it depends on market conditions, improvements to your property, etc. The county appraiser continually reviews and records sale prices and other information on homes all over the county.

Participants are required to:

         1. Follow a treatment plan.

         2. Comply with all court ordered conditions.

         3. Obey the terms of supervision.


  • The defendant must be a resident of Douglas County, Kansas.
  • The defendant must be 18 years of age or older.
  • The defendant meets the criteria for severe mental illness and this illness contributes to the defendant's criminal behavior.
  • Eligible...

The goals of BHC are as follows:

  • Connect criminal defendants who suffer from serious mental illness to treatment and support services in the community.
  • Improve coordination between the mental health and justice systems for persons with mental illness....

Upon successful completion of the Behavioral Health Court program, the court will dismiss the participant's charges.

While each case is considered individually, people with the following offenses will typically be excluded from the BHC court:

  1. Felony sex offenses.
  2. Unresolved out of county charges.
  3. Murder and Manslaughter charges....

Behavioral Health Court will accept referrals after the filing of criminal charges and the case has been forwarded to the Douglas County District Court for further disposition.

No. During public hours, all patrons of the Library have full access to all the Library’s electronic and print resources.

Yes. The Law Library offers a number of opportunities for those interested in volunteering. Contact the library for more information.

Yes. Attorneys may make photocopies utilizing our honors system. Photocopies and prints are 10¢ per page.

Yes. Attorneys may print from the Library's patron workstations. When Library staff members are available, the attorney can pay them for prints. When no staff members are available, prints can be paid for on the honors system utilizing a change box located next to the printer/copier or by...

No. The Michael J. Malone Douglas County Law Library is a non-circulating library. All Law Library materials must remain in the Library.

Yes. Photocopies are 10¢ per page.

Yes. Members of the general public need to request assistance from Law Library staff to print. Prints are 10¢ per page.

Contact information for the Douglas County Bar Association can be found on their website.

There is no official public defender for Douglas County. Upon determining that a person appearing in court cannot afford legal counsel, the district court judge presiding in the case appoints an attorney to represent that person from one of two panels maintained by the court for that...

The codified ordinances of Baldwin City can be found in the Code of the City of Baldwin City, Kansas, available on-line. Information on the ordinances of Eudora...

The codified resolutions governing Douglas County can be found in the Douglas County Code, available on-line and in hard copy in the Law Library.

The Law Library is on the first floor of the Judicial and Law Enforcement Center, 111 East 11th Street, in downtown Lawrence, Kansas. 

For the general public and attorneys without Law Library keys: Come in the public entrance on the west side of the building that...

By statute, Law Library registration must be renewed annually by payment of the annual Law Library Registration Fee, "on or before January 15 of each year."

You must have completed the Law Library registration process in order to be eligible to be issued a key to the Law Library.  After you have completed your initial registration, inform Law Library Manager that you want a Law Library key issued to you. You will be provided with a...

Yes, but you are exempt from paying the $50.00 annual registration fee while you are employed by the SBIDS.